Am I Saved?

The most important question you’ll ever ask…

Bradford Smith Bradford Smith

The Burden of Bible Reading

Listen, reading the Bible in a year is a good thing. No doubt. Reading the Bible in a month would be a good thing? Is reading the Bible in two years or even three somehow less of a good thing?

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Summer Martin Summer Martin

It’s Okay Not to be Okay, Okay?

Worthlessness. Inadequacy. Failure. Overwhelmed. Overstimulated. And numerous other words can be used to describe the “not okay” feeling that you may be feeling. And you know what? It’s okay to feel all of it.

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Summer Martin Summer Martin

Suffer…to the Glory of God

This silversmith must sit in front of the fire the entire time the refining process is happening because if he ever takes his eyes off it and leaves the silver in the fire a moment too long, the silver is destroyed.

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Bradford Smith Bradford Smith

Yes to Female Deacons—A Comprehensive Study

Granted, the descent into theological liberalism is normally a long and gradual slide into heterodoxy. No denominations or churches wake up and say, “We’re going progressive.”

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Bradford Smith Bradford Smith

Something is Wrong with ‘What is a Woman?’

Artemis Lanford is lost. Lia Thomas is lost. The others are lost, hopelessly lost apart from Christ and I simply find no prescription in Scripture for hating the lost. Quite the opposite in fact.

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Bradford Smith Bradford Smith

Revival Fatigue—a Cold Take

What I’m talking about is not revival, but revivalism, that is, the incessant pursuit of revival whereby anything other than this is somehow deemed lesser.

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Bradford Smith Bradford Smith

Biblical Masculinity is Toxic Masculinity

Christless masculinity is as meaningful as heteronormative or cisgender or pregnant persons or any of the litany of doublespeak that proliferates and masquerades as reality today.

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